The power of regular pet exams in Oakleaf Plantation, FL: For the long, happy life of your pet!

You know it is vital to your health to visit your family physician at least once a year. Likewise, you probably appreciate that routine visits to your dentist support a nice-looking smile as well as your overall health and well-being. Regular preventive visits to our Jacksonville, FL area office are also crucial to the health and well-being of your fur-baby! 

In fact, during pet exams, at Orange Park Animal Hospital at Oakleaf, we may determine that seemingly harmless symptoms, such as “doggie breath,” present a serious risk to the health of your pet. Oral disease can interfere with your pet’s ability to chew comfortably and get the nutrients they need. Likewise, bacteria can travel from the mouth to the bloodstream, where it wreaks havoc on the kidneys, heart, liver, and other internal organs. 

An ounce of prevention; a pound of cure

Our range of in-house diagnostic services and tools may also uncover dangerous or potentially life-threatening diseases. Here are just a few of the ways that we stand out from the rest of the pack and provide quality, proactive services that evolve with your pet and their unique needs:

  • The sooner we can detect and address conditions such as diabetes or arthritis, the easier and more successful we will be in managing or resolving these diseases.
  • Likewise, it is vital to address and prevent the many infectious diseases transmitted from one pet to another or even from pet to human. Therefore, it is an absolute must that we get your pet on a vaccination schedule that accounts for their unique needs, from age to lifestyle to other risks that must be controlled with preventives.
  • Our veterinarians, like our primary vet, Dr. James Gillen, have developed special interests in various areas, including skin diseases, nutritional counseling, preventive care, senior pet care, behavioral modifications, and wellness.
  • Exams should be scheduled at least once a year, at which time your vet will assess your pup’s or kitty’s unique needs to make tailored recommendations that enhance their comfort and quality of life.
  • For instance, palpating or examining your pet’s skin by touch can uncover lumps or bumps that warrant further testing or investigation. Likewise, assessing the overall condition of your pet’s body or other characteristics (such as the quality of your pup’s coat) may lead to a determination that you should introduce certain nutrients into the diet.
  • We may suggest adjustments to foods or other products that support your pet’s long-term health. These adjustments can also help to keep your pet’s weight in check. The American Animal Hospital Association reports that one of every two pet cats and dogs is overweight or obese. The risks posed by extra pounds mirror those risks associated with overweight/obese people and include diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

We mind and know the “small stuff”

Has your cat suddenly started to urinate outside of the litterbox? Do your dog’s nails need a trim? These are among the many other behaviors or characteristics that, at first blush, may appear to be frustrating acts or annoying chores. However, behavioral changes, too, can be indicative of underlying diseases such as urinary tract infections. In the same vein, being lax on the seemingly little things – like nail trims – can have significant implications for your pet. Long nails can stress the joints and even alter your pet’s gait. 

As you can see, what we find during a pet exam and, accordingly, recommend our findings, is unique to your pet. Therefore, it is not a set series of steps and services. Additionally, we check for changes as your pet ages and their health status or risk factors evolve.

Contact us today to schedule your visit. We Serve Jacksonville, Orange Park, Middleburg, Green Cove Springs, Macclenny, Palatka, Starke, Keystone Heights, Lake Butler, and the surrounding areas. Our team in Oakleaf Plantation looks forward to meeting you and your fur-baby!
